During that time, much has changed, but apparently not my groundless over-optimism for hacking up and down a mountain with my children.
We had often spoken about our first trip to the Blue Range Hut, and when we realised the anniversary was coming up, I decided to throw caution (and ITB injuries) to the wind and plan a repeat.
A quick call to Keith to borrow sleeping bags and a rucksack also reminded me not to lose the car key this time. First up, that was totally deserved, and second ... yeah I got nothing, it was totally deserved.
So overpacked, and overeager, Olive and I went and did adventuring. And (spoilers) clearly I got back alive again, so I leave this here for any parent who has wondered whether the second time is ever the charm.
08:00 Leave home feeling smug that we didn't camp last night. Belt out some favourite tunes with Olive.
10:00 Arrive at Kiriwhakapapa campsite and instantly feel a wave of nostalgia as we grab our packs and head to the start of the trail.
10:01 Check that I have not lost car key.
10:05 Take deep cleansing breath and smile as Olive scampers ahead of me through the trees
10:10 Check that I have not lost car key
10:18 Reach the first of the orange triangles. Realise Olive has not been briefed on the use of orange triangles. Fix this oversight.
10:20 Check that I have not lost car key
10:21 Reach the start of the trail proper and remember that DOC's description of "scrambling up steep slopes, using tree roots as handholds and footholds" is, in fact, not hyperbole.
10:22 Deeply regret that I have overcompensated for my lack of supplies last time; 15kg of "essentials" begin to compress my spine. Check that I have not lost car key.
10:25 Hear Olive start to narrate our climb in her best Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson voice.
10:30 Stop for a drink. Glare at Olive as she tells me how heavy her pack is. Not even the Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson voice males me find it funny.
10:50 Olive has started to call out every "trongle" she passes. Have a deep conversation with her about orange triangles being a metaphor for life. Nah, just kidding, I don't have enough spare lung capacity to talk, I have the entire conversation in my head while I wheeze under the weight of my backpack.
11:00 Check that I have not lost car key.
12:30 Am already beet red and panting when from up ahead I hear Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson shouting "That's it, man! Game over, man! Game over!". Have to decide between laughing and breathing. Settle for accordion-like wheeze.
13:00 Sit on what feels like the hundredth rock and contemplate life choices. Decide that being prepared is vastly overrated.
13:30 Round corner and see Olive sitting on a rock grinning at me, a very blue hut behind her and immediately forget about the climb.
14:00 Decide to take a few hours to relax.
14:02 Hear the unmistakable noise of other people outside accompanied by at least one extremely noisy dog.
14:03 Offer greeting as the female half of Hunting Couple comes barreling into the hut. Hear the male half of Hunting Couple corralling dogs away from the door and toward the picnic table.
16:15 Decide it's time to start on an early dinner and head out to join Hunting Couple at the picnic table. Strike up a conversation about hunting while Olive heads back to the hut to grab a lighter.
16:16 Olive comes back with a lighter and is promptly bitten by Hunting Dog. I run to grab the first aid kit while Hunting Dog is secured.
16:20 Hunting Couple and Hunting Dogs pack up in record time and beat a hasty retreat, apologies echoing on the breeze.
17:00 Enjoy a hearty dinner with Olive and retire to bunk to cuddles, watch downloaded content and eat cookies.
19:00 Hear footsteps and loud banter as the Three Mean Girls burst through the door and stop dead in obvious consternation that other people should already be in the hut. Especially since there are four bunks total and two of them are already taken.
19:01 Continue relaxing on the bunks as Three Mean Girls proceed to take over every available bit of floor and counter space, slamming the door, huffing and talking loudly to each other, and studiously ignoring us.
21:15 Decide that it's time for bed and go to the toilet one last time.
21:16 Return to find Three Mean Girls have turned off all the lights while we were out. Roll my eyes and retire to bed.
07:30 Wake up to the sound of rain pounding the tin roof. Start the day as I finished the last by rolling my eyes.
07:45 See Olive's head peering down from the bunk above and decide, much as last time, that a quick getaway is in order.
07:46 Make absolutely no effort to be considerate as we get up and cook breakfast in the shelter outside.
08:30 Donate leftover wood to future hut visitors and throw everything into bags making sure everything soft goes into Olive's pack.
09:00 Set off down the trail.
09:15 Olive stacks it on the slippery roots having ignored my warnings of the effects of rain.
09:30 Check that I have not lost car key.
09:45 Olive stacks it on the slippery roots and lands flat on her well-padded back. Am grateful for my packing foresight.
10:30 Slide down yet another rockface and smile as Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson makes a return appearance to announce "We're on an express elevator to hell, going down!"
10:50 Check that I have not lost car key. Realise that it has been some time since Olive has fallen over and that we can hear the sound of families splashing in the swimming hole.
11:00 Reach the bottom of the hill and burst from the forest into an insanely humid campsite.
11:55 Take out not-lost key, throw our gear in the car and leave for home.
12:00 Realise Olive will not make it far before falling asleep.
12:20 Stop for fast food treats.
12:45 Drive home in the stunning sunshine shovelling hash bites into my face and when Streetlight Manifesto comes on the stereo, I once again feel at one with the universe.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
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Anatomy of Another Mountain Trek
There is a saying that time heals all wounds. In the case of this particular wound, it has taken eight years.
During that time, much has changed, but apparently not my groundless over-optimism for hacking up and down a mountain with my children.
We had often spoken about our first trip to the Blue Range Hut, and when we realised the anniversary was coming up, I decided to throw caution (and ITB injuries) to the wind and plan a repeat.
A quick call to Keith to borrow sleeping bags and a rucksack also reminded me not to lose the car key this time. First up, that was totally deserved, and second ... yeah I got nothing, it was totally deserved.
So overpacked, and overeager, Olive and I went and did adventuring. And (spoilers) clearly I got back alive again, so I leave this here for any parent who has wondered whether the second time is ever the charm.
08:00 Leave home feeling smug that we didn't camp last night. Belt out some favourite tunes with Olive.
10:00 Arrive at Kiriwhakapapa campsite and instantly feel a wave of nostalgia as we grab our packs and head to the start of the trail.
10:01 Check that I have not lost car key.
10:05 Take deep cleansing breath and smile as Olive scampers ahead of me through the trees
10:10 Check that I have not lost car key
10:18 Reach the first of the orange triangles. Realise Olive has not been briefed on the use of orange triangles. Fix this oversight.
10:20 Check that I have not lost car key
10:21 Reach the start of the trail proper and remember that DOC's description of "scrambling up steep slopes, using tree roots as handholds and footholds" is, in fact, not hyperbole.
10:22 Deeply regret that I have overcompensated for my lack of supplies last time; 15kg of "essentials" begin to compress my spine. Check that I have not lost car key.
10:25 Hear Olive start to narrate our climb in her best Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson voice.
10:30 Stop for a drink. Glare at Olive as she tells me how heavy her pack is. Not even the Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson voice males me find it funny.
10:50 Olive has started to call out every "trongle" she passes. Have a deep conversation with her about orange triangles being a metaphor for life. Nah, just kidding, I don't have enough spare lung capacity to talk, I have the entire conversation in my head while I wheeze under the weight of my backpack.
11:00 Check that I have not lost car key.
12:30 Am already beet red and panting when from up ahead I hear Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson shouting "That's it, man! Game over, man! Game over!". Have to decide between laughing and breathing. Settle for accordion-like wheeze.
13:00 Sit on what feels like the hundredth rock and contemplate life choices. Decide that being prepared is vastly overrated.
13:30 Round corner and see Olive sitting on a rock grinning at me, a very blue hut behind her and immediately forget about the climb.
14:00 Decide to take a few hours to relax.
14:02 Hear the unmistakable noise of other people outside accompanied by at least one extremely noisy dog.
14:03 Offer greeting as the female half of Hunting Couple comes barreling into the hut. Hear the male half of Hunting Couple corralling dogs away from the door and toward the picnic table.
16:15 Decide it's time to start on an early dinner and head out to join Hunting Couple at the picnic table. Strike up a conversation about hunting while Olive heads back to the hut to grab a lighter.
16:16 Olive comes back with a lighter and is promptly bitten by Hunting Dog. I run to grab the first aid kit while Hunting Dog is secured.
16:20 Hunting Couple and Hunting Dogs pack up in record time and beat a hasty retreat, apologies echoing on the breeze.
17:00 Enjoy a hearty dinner with Olive and retire to bunk to cuddles, watch downloaded content and eat cookies.
19:00 Hear footsteps and loud banter as the Three Mean Girls burst through the door and stop dead in obvious consternation that other people should already be in the hut. Especially since there are four bunks total and two of them are already taken.
19:01 Continue relaxing on the bunks as Three Mean Girls proceed to take over every available bit of floor and counter space, slamming the door, huffing and talking loudly to each other, and studiously ignoring us.
21:15 Decide that it's time for bed and go to the toilet one last time.
21:16 Return to find Three Mean Girls have turned off all the lights while we were out. Roll my eyes and retire to bed.
07:30 Wake up to the sound of rain pounding the tin roof. Start the day as I finished the last by rolling my eyes.
07:45 See Olive's head peering down from the bunk above and decide, much as last time, that a quick getaway is in order.
07:46 Make absolutely no effort to be considerate as we get up and cook breakfast in the shelter outside.
08:30 Donate leftover wood to future hut visitors and throw everything into bags making sure everything soft goes into Olive's pack.
09:00 Set off down the trail.
09:15 Olive stacks it on the slippery roots having ignored my warnings of the effects of rain.
09:30 Check that I have not lost car key.
09:45 Olive stacks it on the slippery roots and lands flat on her well-padded back. Am grateful for my packing foresight.
10:30 Slide down yet another rockface and smile as Bill-Paxton-as-Hudson makes a return appearance to announce "We're on an express elevator to hell, going down!"
10:50 Check that I have not lost car key. Realise that it has been some time since Olive has fallen over and that we can hear the sound of families splashing in the swimming hole.
11:00 Reach the bottom of the hill and burst from the forest into an insanely humid campsite.
11:55 Take out not-lost key, throw our gear in the car and leave for home.
12:00 Realise Olive will not make it far before falling asleep.
12:20 Stop for fast food treats.
12:45 Drive home in the stunning sunshine shovelling hash bites into my face and when Streetlight Manifesto comes on the stereo, I once again feel at one with the universe.