Co sleepingEsmeStay At Home DadThat's LifeToddler DoOm
Friday, 21 December 2012
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End of a Sleepy Era?
Last night, for the first time in her life, Emmie slept in
her own space.
She didn’t move far away - I made her a nest alongside our
bed – but she was very definitely separate.
It felt like I had lost an arm to start with, and then it
felt like I had got blind drunk and for the first time in I don’t know when I
slept like I was dead.
We have discussed co-sleeping before at LLL meetings, and
our leader talked about how you “lose” your deepest level of sleep when you
co-sleep, which is the safeguard nature puts in place to stop you squishing
your offspring. I can confirm that she was talking truth because I found that
level of sleep again last night and oh-my-god-how-I-missed-it!!!!
Emmie - typically when you plan these kinds of big changes -
is in the grips of a dreadful bout of teething coupled with the remains of a
stubborn cold. All of which led me to have dreams of warthogs snuffling round
the bed. She was blissfully unaware of her own nasal orchestrations and also
slept like a log. She woke twice wanting a drink and then instead of doing what
I feared which was freaking the fuck out about the fact that somehow mum was
above her rather than beside her, she rolled onto her side, cuddled her
favourite cushion and dropped straight back into snuffles and snores.
Part of me was a little hurt at that. Part of me was hoping
that she would wail and complain and need to be gathered up and snuggled.
So was Keith. Despite his daily belly aching about being kicked
in the head by super sharp toddler toenails he was threatening to bring her
into bed with us for chuddles.
The part of me that was upset at Emmie leaving us was the
part that felt I had let her down. My intention with co-sleeping was that she
would choose when she moved into her own bed, not that I would get pregnant
again so soon and face the growing (geddit) dilemma of fitting a toddler, man
and Weeble into a 4’ 6” bed.
Perhaps I made the biggest mistake of all though in thinking
that Emmie needed the power of speech in order to tell us the time had come.
Her actions last night spoke volumes: She enjoyed her space.
If I’m honest, I did too.